May 30, 2013

Eating Aquarium Fish

Since our village was right by the coast one of the fun things that Crystal and I got to try a couple times was fishing in the ocean.

There are a couple different ways that they typically fish. The women and kids will stand along the shore.

The other way is guys will go out on outrigger canoes and either fish from them or dive down and use home made spear guns.
Here is Crystal and myself attempting to fish from the shore.

We were some what successful in our fishing attempts. The first two are ones that I caught and the last one is what Crystal caught.

Since we weren't very good at catching fish in the ocean, we were blessed that other people would share their catches with us. A running joke between us was that we felt like we were always eating fish that back home you would find in an aquarium. Here are just a few examples.

Every once in a while we would be given a huge one like the ones pictures here and we would be able to share it with the whole family.

I loved going fishing with my dad growing up and hadn't been in a very long time so I loved being able to go again and to say that I have fished in the ocean in pretty cool.

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