March 18, 2014

The Life of a Kitchen Manager...

So sorry it's been awhile since you've seen anything from me.  I've just not gotten time to sit down and write something. The students are in the village so I finally have some free time.

As you might know, I am back at POC(Pacific Orientation Course) where I first come when I got to PNG a year ago.  However this time, I am on staff as the Kitchen Manager.

What does a Kitchen Manager do at POC you might ask?  Well let me tell you.

Before the course even starts I made a menu for the first month. Then I went shopping to make sure that we had all the ingredients and supplies that we needed to start the course. 

Stocking and organizing this was one of the first things that I did.

Through out the course I continue to make sure that we have what we need by making periodic trips to town or sending a shopping list with someone else.  This includes getting fresh produce from the market.  We have ladies that come out side the kitchen most mornings to sell produce and if we need additional we have a market in town we can go to. This is also where we would get produce that is grown in the Highlands that is brought down. I try to get new fruits and vegetables for the students to try.

In addition through out the course I set up a rotation for the students to help out in the kitchen with set up and clean up.  I provide opportunities for the students to learn new skills like bread making, yogurt making and dehydrating. Also supplying the students with baking/cooking supplies for both Haus Kuk weekends and for their time in the village and giving them helpful hints on what is good to buy food wise for the village. 

You would think that as the kitchen manager I would do a lot of the cooking.  Well you would be wrong there. I have four wonderful ladies that work in the kitchen with me that do pretty much all of the cooking.

Rebecca, Hetty, Hilda & Bulai

The ladies hard at work.

When I'm not in the kitchen I have enjoyed spending time with my families both from here on Nobonob and Matukar.

I get to see my Nobonob sister Nida almost every day as she works in the nursery at POC.

And one day in town I got to see my Matukar sister Alice(in the yellow) and my friend Angela. I am holding Angela's daughter, Elizabeth, my namesake. 

Staff and Students

I really have had a great time so far and have met some wonderful people.  Looking forward to finishing the course off strong. 

Well tomorrow I am off to visit Matukar again with Crystal.  It's been almost exactly one year since we went there the first time. I'm pretty excited about going!! I look forward to sharing more with you when I get back.

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